Shabbat times
  • Candles lighting
  • Three Stars for the end of Shabbat in Jewish Venice
  • Torah Scroll
    Shabbat Va-yeshev
Shabbat times
  • Candles lighting
  • Three Stars for the end of Shabbat in Jewish Venice
  • Torah Scroll
    Shabbat Va-yeshev

Canton Synagogue

Started in 1531-1532, it was enlarged and enriched in the following centuries until 1780. Similar to the Scola Grande Tedesca, it, too, follows the Askhenazi rite indicating that a large proportion of the Community followed this rite (as mentioned in the introduction, in the 18th Century there were six Synagogues following the German rite). Above the entrance portal one can read: «Year of the construction of the Holy Community Canton Synagogue 5292 (1532) ». 

Inside, on the left, stands the Holy Ark, with its intricate and altogether too heavy style of decoration, while on the right the graceful pulpit (teva ), with ornaments of Pompeian style, projects from a polygonal apse supported by four original columns of interlacing branches.

The women’s gallery is situated here overhang¬ing the entrance door, but one hardly notices it because this small Synagogue is of such exact proportions that the lattices of the women’s gallery seem to mingle with the ornamental motif running along the walls below the cornice. 

On the inside of the doors of the Aron, as in the Schola Tedesca, is inscribed: «Keter Torah ». At the center is a crown with the Ten Commandments underneath. The panels above starting from the wall opposite the entrance, bear inscriptions and pictures from the Bible representing Moses making the waters spring out of the rock, at the sacrifical altar, near the Red Sea, In Jerusalem etc.

On going out one can read an admonition: «And now you are leaving, go in peace and do no evil », On the wall outside, to the left, there is a small marble tablet saying: «Many sorrows shall be to the wicked: but he that trusteth in the Lord, mercy shall compass him about» (Psalms XXXII, 10).
